Edsbyns Elverk will be sold to Ellevio

Press releases

Yesterday, on November 3, an Extraordinary General Meeting of AB Edsbyns Elverk made all the necessary decisions for the Group to be sold to Ellevio. Moreover, owners representing over 90 percent of the shares have accepted Ellevio's offer. This means that Ellevio is about to initiate a redemption process for the remaining shares.

In order for the sale to Ellevio to be completed, more conditions than the shareholders' acceptance had to be met; of which one was that the pre-emption for Class A shares had to be removed. This decision was made at the meeting on November 3, meaning that Ellevio's aqcuisition of Edsbyn's Elverk can be completed. X percent of the shares were represented at the meeting.

- I am really glad that we are now yet another step closer to incorporating Edsbyn Elverk's grid into our operations. Ellevio will soon start the integration process and work to secure a smooth process for both employees and customers, says Johan Lindehag, CEO of Ellevio.

Extended period for accept

Ellevio wants to give shareholders who have not yet chosen to accept the offer the opportunity to do so. Therefore, the acceptance period has been prolonged until and including Friday November 19 at 17.00. Price per share and estimated payment of consideration are the same as before. Remaining shareholders who wish to accept the offer can use previously issued application forms and reply envelopes, or download and print a new application form from www.ellevio.se/bud-Edsbyns-Elverk.

About Ellevio’s offer

  • Covers the entire group at the price of SEK 385 million
  • Means compensation of SEK 2,111 per share
  • Corresponds to a premium of 51 percent over the most recent closing price
  • Owners of x percent of the shares have already agreed and the Extraordinary General Meeting has voted in favor of the deal
  • The acceptance period is prolonged until November 19 at 17.00; thereafter the redemption process will be initiated

More information

Jesper Liveröd, Head of Press, 070-929 96 23

About Ellevio

With close to one million customers, Ellevio is one of Sweden's largest electricity network companies. We take an active role in the journey towards a fossil-free society. Our electricity networks are the backbone that connects producers and consumers of electricity, which enables more renewable electricity production, electrification of transport and industry and which creates conditions for new climate-smart services for our customers.

We have just over 500 employees and employ a total of 3,000 people around the country. We are owned by the pension managers Folksam, Första AP-fonden, Tredje AP-fonden and OMERS Infrastructure. Read more at ellevio.se

Updated: 16 April 2024

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